


Guide-driven dog sled tour

december to mid april

one tour per day

maximum 2 riders



       We provide sit down dogsled rides for up to 2 people through frozen Lapland.You will be driven by an experienced guide through snow covered wilderness and across the frozen river Torne. Along the trail you will have plenty of opportunities to stop and take pictures and time for a warm drink and local swedish cake to try.   

       We take a maximun of up to 2 riders on the sled, no problem if its only one rider.

        Children over the age of 12 only please, being a small company we dont stock clothing for small children to keep warm on the sled.


START 0900 FINISH 1130 


     No better way to experience the beauty of swedish lapland than being pulled through the frozen landscape by 8 to 10 Greenland dogs in the early morning.

     We provide warm outer clothing and boots, hats and mittens. Please use the layered approach to dress for your experience. Wool is always best for the  underlayer and glove linners.  

       We provide warm drinks and food for your either on the trail or back at our home once you have been out on the sled. This all depends on how cold you are feeling as dog sledding can be a cold experience for some people even with warm clothing.

As a small company we can be more flexible with start times.

Maximun 2 people on sled.


extra information

Assuming conditions are safe we will run the tour, unless

* not enough snow, tour will not run

* temperature below -30, tour will not run

* blizzard conditions, tour will not run

This is for your safety. If your tour is cancelled for any of these reasons we will try to offer you an alternative.